Course Listings

2025 Summer > UGRD > MKT > MKT 310

Data Analysis for Marketing Management

Course #: MKT 310

Familiarizes students with data analysis techniques for marketing decision making. Emphasis is given to secondary data and secondary data processing. The course makes extensive use of computers and commercial software: word processing and graphics programs, spreadsheets, and statistical analysis packages containing data description, bivariate and multivariate models. It also emphasizes report writing and oral presentation skills.
Pre Requisites:
Pre-req = MKT 301 and MSIS 111 (or approved substitutes)and a minimum of 60 creditsMGT majors only

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 2374
TBD, On-line course
Session: SS2 6W
Class Dates: 07/14/2025 - 08/21/2025
Capacity: 35
Enrolled: 0
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = MKT 301 and MSIS 111 (or approved substitutes)and a minimum of 60 creditsMGT majors only
Course Attributes: Non-degree exclude from list